<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE="1252"%> Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute

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Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute (CIFRI)

The Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute (CIFRI) is a premier facility in Asia in the field of inland fisheries research, extension and training. The Government of India, in a memorandum brought out in 1943 stressed the need for having a separate central department for research in the best interest of the development of fisheries resources of the country.CIFRI Campus The Central Inland Fisheries Research Station was formally established on 17th March, 1947 in Calcutta under the Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Government of India. From this modest beginning, the station expanded its activities and was elevated in 1959 to the status of an Institute (CIFRI) and moved to its own building at Barrackpore. Over the years, the organisation has established itself as a premier research institute in the field of the inland fisheries in the country. Since 1967, the institute is under the administrative fold of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR).

In the light of changing scenario and to cater to the existing R & D needs of the sector, the Institute's research focus was shifted to sustainable productivity and ecosystem health and benefits. In order to fulfill the objectives of the revised mandate, the institute is pursuing its research activities through seven main divisions which are in turn supported by different research support services/sections.

The CIFRI also undertake various extension activities including organization of a number of training programmes with a view to disseminating the knowhow developed at the institute to the user groups, comprising members of farming communities, officials of the State fisheries and environmental departments, university/college teachers, researchers and NGOs.

It has a campus consists of Institute Complex, Hostel, Guest House and Residences for the staff. The Institute has well established Recreation Club which is involved in Sports and other activities of the CIFRI staff members.

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